If not planned and executed right, moving house can take a lot of time, effort and energy. It can cause arguments and disagreements, and ultimately, it can leave everyone feeling a little worse for wear. Using a professional removals company will help, but there’s still a lot that you and your family can do.
We’ve drawn on our years of industry experience to bring you a list of our top tips to ensure a fast move. On this list you will find a selection of useful information, so enjoy and good luck moving to your next house!
- Make Sure You’re Well Organised
The most important thing for ensuring a neat move is making sure that you’re very well organised. Plan well in advance, and be aware of everything that needs to happen on moving day. Consider:
- The removal company and what time they’re arriving. You will need to have everything ready by then.
- How long you will need to get your new home ready for the night.
- A removals checklist that has exactly what needs to go where when you arrive at your new property.
It’s usually worth delegating tasks to different people to free up your mind a little. After all, moving house can be more than a little stressful!
- Get Rid of Junk
There’s absolutely no point spending time and money moving junk from your old house to your new one. Spend a few days leading up to your big move sorting out your belongings and putting aside those that you don’t need anymore.
Once you’ve done this, you could think about selling the items online or on social media, giving them away to friends and family or donating them to your local charity shop. After all, there’s no point in sending perfectly good things to the tip.
- Move Things Early if Possible
You can streamline things by moving small items and boxes ahead of moving day. Spend a few hours on the weekend, after work or whenever you can fit them in. Simply fill up your car and drive it over to your new place. You will be amazed by how much difference a little headstart can make before the professional removalists from www.businessmovers.com.au start their work.
- Get an Early Start on the Day
Finally, we highly recommend getting started early on moving day. Even if your removalists aren’t arriving until mid-morning, you can rest assured that there will still be things to do. Really, the worst thing that could happen if you start early is that you will finish early and have time for a few drinks or dinner at the end of the day.
Final Word
Everyone wants moving house to be fast, smooth and efficient. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. It’s common for problems to arise when you’re moving house, and these can slow things down considerably. Take into account the tips outlined in this article to help ensure a fast move, and think seriously about hiring a professional removals team to help you keep things organised.