Tag: landscaping

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Weeding Your Landscaped Garden

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Weeding Your Landscaped Garden

As much as everyone who owns a garden wishes it to be the case, unfortunately, landscape designers have not yet created a garden that requires zero maintenance. If you ask the seasoned professionals at Intreeg Landscapes, even landscaping without any plants or foliage will need cleaning regularly. In other landscaped gardens with shrubs, trees, flowers, and a lawn, then, of course, there is maintenance and care required to keep it healthy and looking great.

One task within that maintenance regime will be weeding. Weeds are every gardener’s nemesis, given that they take away moisture, nutrients, and sunlight from the other plants they wish to grow. Weeds also spoil a garden’s appearance. If weeds are left to thrive, especially the aggressive ones, they will soon overrun a garden and eradicate the plants and flowers meant to grow there.

As you are probably aware the solution to the problems we have just described is removing any weeds which you see growing. However, many well-meaning people make mistakes when weeding and as such do not get rid of the weeds as well as they should. Here are five of those weeding mistakes to avoid.


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5 Key Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Landscape Designer Over Doing it Yourself

5 Key Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Landscape Architect Over Doing it Yourself

When the point is reached when you have decided the time is right to take on a home renovation, including developing your garden and transforming it with a landscape design, then there are a huge number of choices that you need to make. The primary one is who is going to create the design and implement it through to its completion.

One thought that may have crossed your mind is to do it all yourself. Let us say that if you feel you have the necessary skills, enthusiasm, time, and resources to do so then it is certainly a laudable intention. However, we would also add a huge note of caution in that if you have never undertaken this sort of project before, trying to do it yourself, especially the first time around, is not the wisest choice.

The full-scale landscaping design of a garden is a significant undertaking, and even the most enthusiastic often soon realise that enthusiasm, whilst welcome, is not enough when comes to making decisions about the necessary equipment, materials, plants, furniture, and features, and that is before we even talk about how you turn that design into a reality. What we recommend is that you employ landscapers, and here are some of the benefits of doing so.

Landscape Designers Are The Experts At Landscaping Design

It might seem a blatantly obvious point, but it is one that so many people ignore in all sorts of situations. Instead of employing the person with the skills and experience to do the job in question, they try it themselves or worse, get an amateur who ends up wasting their time and their money. Your new garden is going to be with you for years so why would you not want a professional who has the expertise and knowledge to make it the best it can be?

Landscape Designers Will Take The Project From Initial Consult Through To Completion

There are many larger-scale jobs where you will have to deal with multiple people throughout the entire process. With a landscape design company that is not the case. From your first meeting when you discuss your ideas until the final lightbulb is screwed into one of your lighting features they will oversee all of it. This means nothing is left to chance, and for you, it means you only ever need to contact one company.


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5 Ways An Adaptive Garden Is Helpful If Included Within A Landscaping Design

5 Ways An Adaptive Garden Is Helpful If Included Within A Landscaping Design

Whenever they undertake a garden service, landscaping designers will follow several tried and trusted landscaping design principles that have proven time and again to produce the most effective results, aka stunning landscaped gardens. However, on occasion, a landscaping designer will be asked to adhere to additional garden design principles within a landscaping design, and one example of this is when an adaptive garden is required.

Before we go any further, we imagine many of you will not be familiar with the term adaptive gardening so we will explain it. An adaptive garden is created with the needs of those who have mobility problems in mind, which includes those who are wheelchair-bound, those with walking difficulties, those with joint pains, and the like. Often adaptive gardening is recommended for the elderly to reduce the risk of injuries when they are gardening.

In addition to an adaptive garden being created with the needs we have just outlined, it is also designed with potential future needs in the future in mind. This means they are designed specifically with a view to changes being possible within the garden and them being straightforward, rather than requiring a complete redesign. To paint a fuller picture of the benefits of adaptive gardening here are five ways in which it is helpful.


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