If you have ever been serious about growing plants in pots you may have had the experience of choosing a lovely big pot only to find you couldn’t move it once it was filled with potting mix and the plant. You may have had to get a stand with wheels on it in order to shift it around the patio. However, if you are choosing pots for your balcony there is another reason to get lightweight pots and that is the strength of the balcony floor. Using a heavy pot may mean you are limited to only one pot, if weight restrictions apply. Don’t forget it will be even heavier once you water it.
So the best pots for a balcony are actually lightweight ones; then you will be able to –
- Have more pots
- Not worry about the weight restrictions
- Be able to move them about without wheels.
However, even though they are lightweight, they should still be sturdy, especially if your balcony is a windy one. You don’t want your pot plant to roll about in the wind, dropping out all that good potting mix so the roots of your plant dry out while you are at work.
Find a Unifying Theme
When choosing pots for any place – patio, deck or balcony – they can be different sizes and even shapes, but there should be a unifying theme. This can be attained by keeping at least one element the same. For instance, if you want to have different colours, keep the pots all the same shape. Want different colours? Choose the same shape. That way your balcony garden will not look tatty or piecemeal.
Consider Pot Absorbency
Choose pots that do not absorb moisture. Pots made of foam may be light, but they seem to lose moisture very quickly. Some pots that are unsealed on the inside will absorb moisture and leave the fill dry. Since pots on a balcony are at risk of drying quickly anyway, choosing the kind of pots that do not absorb moisture is a good idea. You can also seal the inside or add water saving crystals. Use some kind of mulch on the top to help the mix stay moist.
Consider Your Own Ability
When choosing pots, remember that even medium size pots can get heavy. If you have a bad back or are frail, it might pay you to stick with smaller pots. And don’t forget you also have to lug the potting mix up. A row of small pots along the wall of the balcony can look very attractive.
Consider Price
Choose really good quality pots, not something that is going to look cheap and nasty as this will spoil the effect of the plant, not to mention the whole balcony. Good quality pots will give a nice look to the place even when the plants are past their best. In fact, they will even look nice without any plants in them.
Remember What Goes in Usually Comes Out
While a bit of run-off is okay on cement, over time this can stain and look dirty. The problem is solved by placing pots in saucers or by choosing pots with an inbuilt saucer that is invisible from the outside. Small pots can sometimes be enhanced by using attractive but old dinner plates as saucers. This would then become a feature.