What Your Cat Needs Inside Its Cat Enclosure

What Your Cat Needs Inside Its Cat Enclosure

There is a misconception amongst many people, including cat owners, that cats prefer to stay indoors. This may be down to the fact that cats generally do not like wet weather, but if you were to investigate further, you would find that many cats love being outdoors, and one of the best ways to allow them to do so safely is with a cat enclosure.

A cat enclosure can be a DIY project for enthusiasts. Still, the wisest choice, especially concerning your cat’s well-being, is to purchase your cat’s enclosure from a dedicated pet enclosure supplier. They will have several options ranging from simple netting to a full-sized prefabricated cat enclosure that your cat will love spending hours inside, and it can do so in perfect safety.

Once they have their cat enclosure, your cat can sleep, rest, play, scratch, meow, eat, drink, and do what ultimately comes naturally in their private space. Best of all, from your point of view, they will not be doing any of that indoors, so issues such as noise, scratched furniture, and accidents on the carpet will not arise whilst they are outdoors in their backyard cat enclosure.

A couple of the activities we mentioned were playing and scratching, which are essential to a cat’s well-being. It allows them to expend their energy and means that even if they are somewhat destructive, whether, from energetic climbing and jumping or scratching, they are not damaging anything in your home.

However, you cannot simply place a cat in a cat enclosure and effectively leave them ‘to get on with it. Your cat should have several items in their pet enclosure so that they get the most benefit from it.

The priority should be to place their litter box in there so that they know where they should go when the need arises. Cats are instinctively clean animals, and with the enclosure being their own tiny home from home, they will be more than keen to keep it clean.

Next, you should have a bed in the cat enclosure or at least something comfortable enough that they can curl up on and rest or sleep. If your cat enclosure is to be used by more than one cat, the bedding must be large enough for both to lie on.

Another highly desirable item you will want in the cat enclosure is something for your cat to scratch. The simplest option would usually be a scratching post, although many scratching accessories come in all shapes and sizes. Some of these double up as something the cat can scratch and as an activity centre where the cat can climb, jump, and sit on the top tier as king or queen of the castle.

Finally, you might consider providing your cat with other toys in its cat enclosure. These small toys that it can playfully attack and chase, such as woolly mice, plastic birds, and fish dangling from a pretend fishing rod. No matter how active your cat might be, once it has played with all those toys and accessories, it will be more than ready to take a nap in its cat enclosure’s peace, calm, and safety.
