When you have security fencing installed it is usually for a reason. That means there must be no weak points in its length, or else it may as well not be there. One of the weakest points can be the gate – unless you also make sure that the gate is a strong one and designed in the same way as the fence. Thus, if your fence has a topping of wire or steel that slopes outwards, the gate should have the same thing. Otherwise it will become a focal point for intruders and allow easy access.
Weak Points in a Safety Gate
However, there are other considerations for a gate if it is to be a safe one. Any moving thing will have possible weak points in it to help it move. The hinges and locks for a gate can be considered weak points if they are not made of strong materials that cannot be taken apart. It won’t matter how strong the hinges are if the screws or bolts holding it to the gate can be undone. Likewise, the catch for the gate must be strong, but if the attachments can be easily removed, anyone will be able to take it off and get in.
Tamper proof screws and other hardware will ensure that every part of the gate is strong and that it cannot be taken off its hinges by an unauthorised person.